Alternative Medicine

Hypnotherapy and Dream Analysis- What Your Dreams Are Telling You

Dreams are a window into the most powerful part of your mind, your unconscious. These surreal phenomena can reveal so much about what is happening within you, just below the surface, offering immense therapeutic value. Enter dream analysis. What is it? Dream analysis is a therapeutic technique that focuses on deciphering the content of your dreams and is a very effective way to create rapid, desired change. By utilizing the influence of your unconscious mind, dream therapy, in conjunction with hypnotherapy, can help you understand what your dreams are attempting to tell you. This knowledge can help you release pent-up tensions and burdens from the day, determine the root cause of a particular issue you’re struggling with, and most importantly, help you let go of worries, anxieties, and limiting self-doubts from your past and present. 

During sleep, we go through three dream cycles. During the first part of your sleep (roughly the first one to two hours), your dreams deal with processing and filtering the information you’ve taken in during your most recent waking hours. The next cycle of dreams, which generally occur in the middle of the night (about three to four hours into sleep) attempt to predict what will happen in your future based on what happened in your past and what’s currently going on in your life. Finally, the dreams that occur during the last portion of your sleep (often occurring early in the morning) are the most significant. These dreams are what your unconscious is releasing and venting out, reflecting the anxieties, fears, and beliefs you no longer need to hold onto. It’s important to note that these dreams must be understood for what they are- a release mechanism- and not envisaged as having predictive value. Interestingly enough, reoccurring dreams occur when your “releasing dreams” are not seen as unconscious unloading but are instead recognized as foreboding or random.

Hypnotherapy and dream therapy go hand in hand because hypnosis offers unparalleled access to the unconscious mind. In hypnosis, you’re in a deep state of heightened self-awareness, focus, and mental relaxation, leading to an automatic openness to exploring dream content and positive suggestions. 

Hypnotherapy and dream analysis can provide tremendous and fast relief of distress as well as promoting enhanced creative abilities, demonstrating that these are highly beneficial means of improving your life in any way you want. 

Simone Gordon, C.Ht.