Amidst the Stress, Worry, Uncertainty, and Loss

Bloom Where You’re Planted: How You Can Flourish During Thorny Times

Covid-19. Systemic injustice. Cities set ablaze across the country. And these are just the topics of the past couple weeks. It goes without saying that 2020 has, as of yet, been an exceedingly difficult year for humanity. Watching the disturbing news last night, of viruses and looters creating chaos across the country, I was reminded of something one of my good friends told me recently: “Bloom where you’re planted.” A light bulb turned on- “she’s right”, I thought. As trying and anxiety-provoking as this year has been, we CAN still flourish. It is, after all, the most challenging times that make us strong, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. And when we are strong inside we have the ability to give more to our family, friends, and community.

Amidst the stress, worry, uncertainty, and loss, we have a powerful resource at our disposal- the unconscious mind. As we’ve delved into in past blogs, your unconscious mind is the reservoir of your intuition, imagination, emotions, and beliefs, and it speaks to you in your quietest moments. Daydreaming, night dreaming, meditation, hypnosis, and moments of stillness, mindful reflection give you access to this wise part of your being. 

Now is the perfect time to get in touch with the most powerful part of your mind, because you can trust in the wisdom, knowledge, and positive intentions of your unconscious. Your unconscious is the space between your thoughts, the moment right before you make a decision, and the gentle voice within you pointing you in a certain direction.

You can think of your unconscious mind as your higher self, your inner wisdom, your connection to source energy, as these are many names for the same thing. If you’re feeling understandably stressed or anxious at this time, please consider taking a few moments to meditate, be mindful, get hypnotized, or simply acknowledge your inner stillness. If you do this, you’ll get in touch with the part of you that is calm, wise, and kind; the part of you that tells you all will eventually be okay. And it will. 

Love and Light,


Simone Gordon, C.Ht.