
My husband and I are both on sodium-restricted diets, so I never add salt to our food. Do our children need more salt in their diets?

My husband and I are both on sodium-restricted diets, so I never add salt to our food. Do our children need more salt in their diets?

We all need a little salt in our diets. Sodium and chloride are essential nutrients. However, we get all the salt we need naturally in the foods we eat. There isn’t any reason to add more salt when cooking or at the table.

Our school participates in the School Lunch Program. Is this a healthy lunch?

Our school participates in the School Lunch Program. Is this a healthy lunch?

The School Lunch Program is a national disgrace. Motivated by lobbying forces, it’s a dairy and meat oriented program which provides children with high-fat, low-fiber, high-sugar meals. Hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and French fries are common menu items. In some districts, the Program allows fast food restaurants to serve lunch in the schools, assuring that the children eat the worst possible food.

My mother and I get into big arguments about the food she tries to serve my children. Do I have to stay away from her house until they’re grown?

My mother and I get into big arguments about the food she tries to serve my children. Do I have to stay away from her house until they’re grown?

The last thing you want to do is start fights with other family members or to keep your children away from their grandparents. We have to realize that the nutritional guidelines have changed dramatically since the time our parents were young. The old rules stressed three glasses of milk every day, meat at every meal, and desserts used as bribes for eating all those “yucky” vegetables.

We’re going on vacation next month, and I don’t know how I’m going to keep our diets on a healthy track. Do you have any suggestions?

We’re going on vacation next month, and I don’t know how I’m going to keep our diets on a healthy track. Do you have any suggestions?

In the sports world, there’s a phenomenon known as the “home court advantage.” From the field to the locker room to the dining room, the team’s home town is better set up for them than any other city. For most people, even those who pay little attention to their diet, the food at home will have less fat, salt, and preservatives than you’ll find in most restaurants.

An Allergy Elimination Diet

An Allergy Elimination Diet

Food allergies, or reactions, are more common than many realize, particularly when dealing with the immature digestive system of a newborn!  Many babies simply cannot break down some of the larger proteins without difficulty. There are times when symptoms begin so severely, or immediately, that it cannot be missed.  More often symptoms increase with exposure and it is around six weeks when you begin to realize that there may be a food source causing the discomfort you are seeing in your child.